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Koch Facial Plastic Surgery - Happy New Year Specials (2024)!

Happy New Year (2024)

With a scheduled Facelift, patients can also receive one of the following:

AcuPulse CO2 Laser treatment around the eyes (periorbital) or mouth (perioral)- normally $1,800.

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Sofwave of the Forehead- normally $1,500.

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*Must be scheduled and deposit placed before January 31, 2024, with Facelift performed by March 31, 2024.

*Which complimentary procedure is offered to a particular patient depends upon an in-person evaluation by Dr. Koch for suitability of the procedures.

*CO2 Laser treatment can be performed at the same time as the Facelift, while Sofwave is performed at a different time.

Contact us for an appointment today at #650-887-1070 or schedule on-line at

R James Koch MD R James Koch MD Dr. R. James Koch is a Stanford-trained, double Board-Certified facial plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience. Dr. Koch completed a fellowship in Advanced Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Stanford University, where he subsequently became Director of that same fellowship and also held the positions of Associate Professor, Director of the Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, and Director of the Wound Healing Laboratory. Best known for minimally invasive procedures such as the in-office facelift, eyelift, and laser procedures, he has trained the most physicians in the in-office facelift in the country.

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