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The Softwave™ Simple Solution

Next Generation Facial Treatment

From the founders of the aesthetic industry, Sofwave Medical brings a novel approach to skin tightening using SUPERB™ Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology. 

Sofwave’s breakthrough technology delivers a new standard of care to aesthetic treatments, providing safe aesthetic treatments for patients.

A young man looking at the mirror
Smart Yet Simple Skin Treatment
  • Multiple ultrasound beams technology provides high levels of coverage with each pulse
  • Proven clinical efficacy
  • Simple, intuitive, and fast treatment — improves practice patient workflow
A mature woman looking at the mirrow satisfied with her face skin
Exceptional Safety Profile
  • Integrated epidermis cooling Sofcool™
  • Real-time skin temperature monitoring
  • Treats all skin types
  • No damage to the underlying structures
A young woman looking at herself in the mirrow satisfied with her face skin
High patient satisfaction
  • Non-invasive, no interruption to daily routine
  • Fast treatment: 30 to 45 minutes
  • Consistent results

How does Sofwave works?

The depth for treating wrinkles is 1.5mm in the mid-dermis. Our unique, Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam SUPERB™ technology generates heat at this exact depth in the mid-dermis. Additionally, there is an integrated cooling mechanism Sofcool ™ that protects the uppermost skin layer from burning.

The impacted treatment zones stimulate a healing response, called neo-collagenases, which increases and regenerates the collagen in the skin, leading to the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

Diagram of a the skin tissue layers

Sofwave is an FDA cleared, non-invasive treatment of fine lines and wrinkles using a next generation SUPERB™ Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology.

The fractional heating effect created by Sofwave’s unique ultrasound delivery, stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin which leads to the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

How is Sofwave better than other existing technologies?

Photo illustration of two women with inmaculate skin

Today there are various energy-based technologies designed to treat facial lines and wrinkles. Aggressive options (such as certain lasers) can cause significant damage to the skin surface, leading to a long healing period, considerable downtime, and may have a high risk of side effects.

Gentler, non-invasive solutions (such as IPL and noninvasive RF) have shown limited efficacy, and in most cases, require multiple treatments.

Sofwave’s unique technology enables the controlled delivery of energy, in terms of amount and location, while protecting the skin surface with an integrated cooling mechanism. Even better, there is no downtime.

How many treatments are needed?

Typically, the treatment protocol calls for 1-2 treatments, depending on the patient's skin condition.

What does Sofwave treatment feel like?

As the ultrasound energy is delivered, you may feel warmness of the skin. Treatment is comfortable simply by applying a topical anesthetic cream just prior to the treatment. Following the treatment, there are no sensations and there is no need to apply special care on the skin. Daily care can be resumed immediately post treatment.

Beautiful middle age woman smiling at the camera

When can I expect to see results?

The collagen regeneration process can sometimes take up to 12 weeks, so patients are expected to see ongoing improvements in the 3-month period after their treatment. In Sofwave's clinical trials, results have been shown in as little as, post one treatment.

Are there any side effects with Sofwave?

Sofwave is a non-invasive treatment for skin tightening. Clinical trials have shown the technology to be effective and safe. Immediately post treatment, the skin may appear slightly red with limited swelling for up to a few hours post treatment.

For more questions visit Sofwave FAQ.

Photo of a diverse group of young beautiul women


Before and After



Face & Neck

Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing



Laser Resurfacing



Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing


Koch Facial Plastic Surgery
101 N El Camino Real, Suite 3
San Mateo, CA 94401-2700
Phone: 669-279-3663
Fax: 888-904-2134

Office Hours

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