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Dr Koch is now offering the Lumenis AcuPulse™ Fractional CO2 Laser for Skin Rejuvenation!

3 weeks after AcuPulse for Age Spots

What is the AcuPulse™ Fractional CO2 Laser?

State-of-the-art CO2 lasers, like the AcuPulse, reduce the appearance of skin irregularities, wrinkles, and scars by stimulating collagen production within the skin. It has replaced chemical peels and dermabrasion for controlled skin peeling. However, the AcuPulse Fractional CO2 laser is different from many other CO2 lasers in that it affects only a fraction of the skin’s surface area, producing “skip areas”, to reduce recovery time while maximizing results.

By delivering focused microscopic columns of ablative energy, sections of skin are left fully intact, which helps the skin heal faster. AcuPulse’s SuperPulse™ technology enables the deepest skin penetration with the lowest energy output. Essentially the laser pulses are so fast that most of the heat produced goes into the laser vapor instead of the skin.

The exciting new technology of the AcuPulse™ Fractional CO2 laser means that you will achieve superficial and deep wrinkle improvement, blending of acne scars, texture improvement, and treatment of sun damage with minimal downtime and discomfort.

Benefits of AcuPulse™ Treatments

CO2 lasers use carbon dioxide to create thermal damage to the dermis, the fibrous layer of the skin beneath the surface. This thermal damage increases collagen production to replace the damaged cells with new ones. The goal of the AcuPulse™ Fractional CO2 laser is to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and skin irregularities while prompting an overall tightening of the skin.

This low energy requirement combined with interspersed areas of unaffected skin reduces patient discomfort, downtime, and lowers the risk of side effects. The treatment may also be applied to the neck, chest/décolletage and hands using more conservative settings to achieve textural improvement.

CO2 lasers are also effective in improving scars and may eliminate the need for surgical scar revision. CO2 works on the skin by removing superficial layers of damaged skin and stimulates the regeneration of healthy skin underneath. It effectively treats both surface-level and traumatic scars that affect your daily life.

For those with extremely deep wrinkles, fully ablative CO2 resurfacing may be necessary for maximal improvement. Instead of targeted fractional resurfacing, the fully ablative laser settings treat the entire skin surface. A complimentary consultation with Dr. Koch will help clarify which procedure is ideal for you.

What happens during an AcuPulse Treatment

An AcuPulse™ Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment is usually performed in our on-site procedure room using only a topical anesthetic cream or nerve block injections (like at the dentist) administered by Dr. Koch to numb certain areas of the face. Whichever is used depends upon the area(s) being treated.

The procedure can be performed on its own or at the same time as a surgical procedure such as a facelift. During the procedure, the laser is placed over the affected area, where it creates small holes in the skin to deliver the heat energy that causes tissues to tighten.

Most patients only feel a warm scratching sensation during the treatment. The entire procedure does not take more than an hour, including the administration of the anesthetic, in most cases. There is no bleeding associated with the procedure and it is generally safe to perform in smokers.

Recovering from AcuPulse Fractional CO2 Treatment

After the treatment, discomfort is minimal. Downtime for laser resurfacing usually ranges from 5 to 14 days, depending on the depth of resurfacing performed, the areas being treated, and the goals of the procedure.

In the first week, a fine grid-like pattern is visible on the skin. The surface of the skin will peel and there will be mild redness. After the skin peels, your face will be mildly pink for another 3-4 days. Makeup can usually be worn 10-14 days after the procedure.

Call Koch Facial Plastic Surgery to schedule a complimentary AcuPulse consultation (#669-279-3663) or book one online today -

R James Koch MD R James Koch MD Dr. R. James Koch is a Stanford-trained, double Board-Certified facial plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience. Dr. Koch completed a fellowship in Advanced Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Stanford University, where he subsequently became Director of that same fellowship and also held the positions of Associate Professor, Director of the Division of Facial Plastic Surgery, and Director of the Wound Healing Laboratory. Best known for minimally invasive procedures such as the in-office facelift, eyelift, and laser procedures, he has trained the most physicians in the in-office facelift in the country.

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